

If your download does not start in 5 seconds, click here: Wine_1.8.4.dmg

Run your Windows based Programs on your Mac with these vanilla Wine Builds. They are compiled from the sources of and they come as a neat .app with my custom starter.

For more info on how these Builds are generated, have a look at the Tech Specs. If you need something more powerful, try WineBottler.

Donations is my hobby.

But if You like the effort, and You want to contribute something to the future of, feel free to make a little donation to the project:

Or buy me a book of my wishlist over at amazon, I read em new and used :) .

My Projects

WineBottler Icon
Run Windows-based Programs on a Mac. WineBottler packages Windows-based programs like browsers, media-players, games or business appli­ca­tions into snuggly Mac app-bundles.
for macOS
Publisher MikesMassiveMess
Design & Code by
MessHider Icon
You know the situation. Your presentation is approaching quick, and your desktop is still in a mess. Windows clutter your screen, your Wallpaper is riddled by icons. There is no way you're ready in time! But wait. This is where MessHider kicks in.
for OS X
Publisher Tapenta GmbH
Design & Code by
ENTEЯ is a simple RPN (reverse Polish notation) calculator. ENTEЯ supports basic operations, conversions, trigonometric operations and statistic operations like standard deviation, probability, linear regression and mean values.
for OS X
Publisher Tapenta GmbH
Design & Code by
PicoPlay Icon
PicoPlay is a minimalistic music player to listen to your iTunes library – but it uses only a part of the resources. This player was designed with one purpose in mind: don't distract or use resources that you need for more important things.
for macOS
Publisher MikesMassiveMess
Design & Code by
rhetoris Icon
Your Personal Newsradio – rhetoris, the RSS/ATOM newsspeaker, reads the news aloud – while they're still hot. Stay informed without perpetually polling your blogs. Just listen to the headline, or read the popup – then decide if it's worth to read the whole article.
for macOS
Publisher Tapenta GmbH
Design & Code by
profaxonline Icon
Learning Platform
for Window macOS iOS Android Linux
Publisher profax Verlag AG
Paedagogics by
Design & Code by
Q - [kju:] Icon
qemu based cpu emulator. Project on hold.
for OS X
Publisher MikesMassiveMess
Design & Code by
Design & Code by